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Joined: October 25, 2005
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: Home Nudist |
I am a at Home Nudist in Wisconsin need Help getting into the Idea of outdoors or even Nude with strangers in My Home Don |
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 nudistrandy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I think you you should tell your friends or family beforehand that you are a nudist and when they come over just go for it and do your thing and let them see you naked. Who knows they may even want to join you. |
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 bobuk1952_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Home Nudist |
I too am a home nudist.
Nude at home most of the time, I love the freedom it gives.
Would really love to share my nudity with others but not sure how to go about it.
Bob |
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 mustang (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: being honest |
i too am a home nude type,friend all know that.They call and say put my close on there coming over.Not to be mean but give me a choice.All who know me know i can not keep it on.In summer i get down to wee shorts if in my yard zero cloths.I lived in a culture of openness Asia,Europe.First it is not s----l,ask your self what is it.Sexual is not nudism it called Orgy.Being nude you accept the fact you just like being free warts and all.You learn things like if i get wood what to do or the fact not to stare thats total rude.Remember close no close it is the same,just a life style. |
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 xxryanaz15xx (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I am a home nudist in phoenix, arizona. I would like to have more opportunities to be nude but I'm not sure how to go about it. |
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 djmarshall (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Home Nudism |
Sometimes I go to the gym just so I can be naked after the workout. Nothing like like relaxing in the suana fully nude after a workout. |
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Joined: February 13, 2006
Posts: 16
Posted: Post subject: Taking the next step |
Speaking from personal experience, I did a lot of
reading before my first visit to a landed nudist club.
That was over seventeen years ago in Virginia, in
the United States. I ordered a couple of books
from a wholesale paperback book publisher and
read them thoroughly before taking the next step
of calling the local resort and speaking to them. I
found out that I would be welcome and before a
Membership application could be filed the Guest
would have to make three visits and (basically)
prove to the management their intentions were
Being nude does remove one type of layer of
protection from people. And it seems there are
many people out in the world who are only
interested in touching or being touched in order to
become se---lly aroused or achieve s----l
"satisfaction". Keep in mind though, there are
plenty of people wearing clothes doing the exact
same things! Probably more of them as a matter
of fact because nudists do tend to "look out for"
each other, and each others children for that
So your general garden-type pervert is not going
to visit a nudist resort seeking people to have
contact with, unless they really no nothing about
nudists and our behavior. Open s----l behavior
is frowned upon at nearly all the "nudist" resorts I
have ever heard of (or visited), in my opinion this
is simply because there are going to be children
around who do not understand, or are not yet
ready to understand, all this behavior involves.
(continued) |
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Joined: February 13, 2006
Posts: 16
Posted: Post subject: Next steps, part Two |
For a "Home Nudist" to move to inviting people into their
home is a big step! Here is what I have heard, read or
experienced first hand on the subject.
Hosting clothing-optional events
You can open your home and invite people in while
making it clear to everyone in advance the type of
event you are holding. A classified ad in the local
"entertainment" (music & nitelife) newspaper if there is
one for your area might be one way to get the word out.
Another might be to invite a few casual friends, not
relatives, and on the invitation inform them this event
will be a "Non-sexual, clothing-optional event featuring..."
dinner, movies, poker playing, joke and story telling, or
a backyard cookout (if your yard is adequately screen
from the eyes of neighbors and their children).
It could even be "Strip Poker" for the adventurous!
Pool parties or sunbathing get-togethers also appear to
be common themes for events. You can do whatever
you want, but keep in mind AS THE HOST you will need
to keep people entertained and be "social". You will not
be able to rely on others to keep the afternoon or evening
conversation going.
If you are worried about the concept of strangers in your
home, you just have to prepare ahead of time. Remove
any mail lying about with your FULL name and address
on it. Definitely put away all bills and bank statements,
preferably in a locked filing cabinet or locked closet. It is
true, you do not know the people you are allowing to
enter into your "personal space". If they were relatives,
the story might be different, or it might not (depending on
the nature of your relationship with them and the degree
of trust). Inviting a cousin who you haven't seen in 15
years ove to your home is basically the same as inviting
a total stranger. If you rely upon their UNKNOWN level of
personal integrity and ethics, well, you may GET what you
don't want (identity theft, petty theft, or other violations
of your trust).
At all of the events I have attended, it was known to be
sponsored by the local "non-landed" or travel club of
nudists, so the "actual nudity" wasn't even something
which seemed surprising. Like at a camping event I
attended, after parking my vehicle as close to the event
as possible and setting up my tent, I simply removed
my clothes and wandered over to see who was around.
And on another occasion, I set up my tent, undressed
inside it and emerged as if being nude was a perfectly
normal thing and should be fully expected at that
place and time. Funny thing on this occasion, a woman
standing near the river turned and upon seeing me
commented, "Sir, you're naked." To which I replied,
"Why yes, I am." as calmly and casually as could be.
As it turned out she was one of the better known
members of the club and she was just playing with me!
I found this out within minutes and went on to have one
of the most enjoyable experiences of my life!!
In the same way you expect to see football jerseys at a
Superbowl Party, nudity can be expected at a Nude
Backyard Barbecue, chili cook-off, Nudist Movie Night,
or any other event you can imagine.
Alternative: Host a clothed event where nudism is
You can easily bring this topic up with friends, acquaint-
enances, co-workers or anyone by saying, "I saw this
program on television last week about nudists". Just be
ready for the first response of, 'Oh really, what channel
was that on?'
It is probably better if you have a Nudism DVD or VHS
tape and leave it on the shelf where your guest can see
it. If they are curious, they will probably ask. If they
are judgemental and silently condemn you for having
it, well you will either not hear from them again or you
may hear from someone else (eventually) that they
noticed it and wondered WHY it was there. Tapes, DVDs,
books, magazines, news clippings, anything can all be
ice breakers. Even Bookmarks on your personal
computer can be discussion openers IF you happen to
share your computer use with friends in person.
And if you do not hear from someone again after they
become aware of your interest, well, it is likely that
you weren't going to be able to move forward in it
with them anyway. So you must be prepared to lose
a less open-minded friend or two when venturing
forward in your exploration of social nudism.
Finally, I think the electronic convenience of e-mail is
the ultimate form of "easy invitations" in getting people
you know to respond to ideas. If you are comfortable
being nude, add a signature line at the bottom of your
e-mail with, "Clothing-optional recreation: Its the new
Poker night!". If somebody doesn't ask about that you
may be playing in the wrong arena. Or add a link to
the major naturist websites on your personal homepage
and then send an e-mail to friends announcing the
site has been updated! Add other content also, of course,
like a few new family pictures, or even scenic pictures.
Maybe ones you took while hiking nude or visiting a
nude beach. Just anotheer way to move from talking
about one topic onto talking about another.
In the end it really depends on your level of creativity,
imagination and willingness to "move forward" with
your interest. If you are not comfortable taking one
of these steps, then continue practicing as a Home
Nudist. There is nothing wrong with that either! Because
it is just possible that you are not as comfortable with
your own interest in the subject as you may think, or
you have alternate reasons for getting nude deeply
buried within your personality. Nudism is about open-
ness, not hiding. It is about sharing, not withholding.
At least that is what I have found to be true so far.
Centauri4 |
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 karenl03 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Just do it. Drive to the Mazo Beach in WI on a warm day and politely talk to others.
Look up the Friends fo Mazo Beach on the net and go with it. |
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Joined: September 22, 2006
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Far from perfect body |
I don't worry about whether or not I am clothed when I get up from sleep to use the toilet, even with sisters in the house. But I am not comfortable with public exhibition of my body, because I have several surgical scars, a large belly, and a small -----. Therefore, I am more of a home nudist when exiting a shower for example, but only with family present. Should I be more outgoing, maybe going to nude resorts more often?
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 gideon (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I suppose I could now be classed as a closet nudist since my marriage to a woman who considers nudity 'perverted' After many years as a single nudist I married at 40 and have regreted it ever since. I am now 74 and have to practice nudity in my own bedroom..
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 sunnmaxx (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Sounds like you really need to discover Mazo Beach since you live in the state. We are 5 hours away and go at least once a year. There is also a nudist resort or two in Wisconsin. Look them up at
I would do these before I would announce it to the family. Once you start doing nudist social things, then you can anounce it with experience.
Good Luck
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 tiger2tex (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Finally Experienced Social Nudism |
I've been a wannabe nudist my entire life (I can't remember when I didn't want to go without clothes). However, my first wife thougt it was perverted, and most of the resorts I checked with wouldn't admit a married man without his spouse. I was totally frustrated for years.
Now I'm married to a wonderful woman who totally supports my passion for nudism, although she doesn't share the interest herself. However, I am nude much of the time around the house, and even in the back yard (totally private). This past fall I went to a resort for the first time, for only a few hours, and loved it. Oh what a feeling!!!!
In October I ran in a nude race near Fort Worth, which included camping there one night. It was fantastic. I just wish I had experienced all this much earlier in my life. I was worried about being nude in pubic, but after only a few minutes I didn't think anymore about it. Nobody really notices, since they're all nude too. If you love nudism, but haven't been to a resort, beach, etc., DO IT NOW.....don't wait. You'll find out just how much you've been missing.
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 nanook660_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Go to a Clothing Optional Beach or Resort or Event.
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 nude46m (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I'm a home nudist, who is looking for others with the same problem, I'm looking for others that live close who want to get together and start living free.
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